My third child lives with both a fair amount of neglect and four other immediate family members frequently doting on her. She watches more tv than her sisters ever did, still walks around with a binky in her mouth most of the time and is so far removed from being potty trained that she calls the potty her pet turtle. She is two and half and is taking her role as baby of the family very seriously. When asked if she’s a big girl, she responds with, “No. I just a baby. I the baby.”
I go through phases of guilt since I don’t have her signed up for any play groups or music classes so she winds up spending a lot of time at home with me. And, with the exception of some play doh or paint and the occasional book or puzzle, I’m not really great at playing with toddlers and, honestly, don’t really enjoy it. I can hang much better with infants or people over six - those years in between, not so much my forte; ergo, the lack of potty training or binky removal.
We do spend a lot of time together having snacks and eating long, three course lunches. Little miss A is obsessed with food and can more or less eat non-stop in between sleeping. Hot cocoa is a favorite staple around here, or our version of the drink which is lukewarm milk with a squirt of chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top.
Despite all the sugar from our daily cocoa fests, her whacked out brain from all the tv watching and her soon to be gnarly teeth from the binky sucking, I feel as if, in many ways, she is turning out to be the best of the bunch. She’s independent, yet affectionate, funny and creative, and loves to wrestle while in her ballerina outfit.
I go through phases of guilt since I don’t have her signed up for any play groups or music classes so she winds up spending a lot of time at home with me. And, with the exception of some play doh or paint and the occasional book or puzzle, I’m not really great at playing with toddlers and, honestly, don’t really enjoy it. I can hang much better with infants or people over six - those years in between, not so much my forte; ergo, the lack of potty training or binky removal.
We do spend a lot of time together having snacks and eating long, three course lunches. Little miss A is obsessed with food and can more or less eat non-stop in between sleeping. Hot cocoa is a favorite staple around here, or our version of the drink which is lukewarm milk with a squirt of chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top.
Despite all the sugar from our daily cocoa fests, her whacked out brain from all the tv watching and her soon to be gnarly teeth from the binky sucking, I feel as if, in many ways, she is turning out to be the best of the bunch. She’s independent, yet affectionate, funny and creative, and loves to wrestle while in her ballerina outfit.
As my father in law once told me, “A healthy dose of neglect does a child good.”